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  • a.a.leslie

Supporting Artists in Canada

Updated: May 17, 2021

Over the past year, I have been fortunate enough to receive grant funding from Arts Nova Scotia and the Canada Council for the Arts. There are many different types of funding options available in Canada, including grant programs that are specific to new and early career artists. If you're interested in learning more about these opportunities, the Writers' Union of Canada has a list of national and regional government agencies that offer help to writers. While specific guidelines will differ between arts organizations, I have listed five general tips to consider when applying for a grant.

Start early. Give yourself enough time to collect any documentation that may be required as part of the application. This is especially important if you want to include letters of support from other artists or mentors.

Ask questions. Program officers are incredibly knowledgeable about grant funding. If you have questions, don't be afraid to reach out.

Get technical. Explain the creative and stylistic approach that you plan to take with your writing, including the type of narrative, structure, point of view, and literary devices.

Request feedback. You might have a great idea for a project, but condensing that information down on paper can be difficult. If your application is not successful, request feedback from the selection committee, as these comments will help identify areas for improvement.

Keep trying. Rejection is part of being a writer and I applied for funding multiple times before receiving my first grant. Most arts organizations have two or more application deadlines per year, so be prepared to revise and resubmit.

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